Forced Dynamic Operation of Propylene Selective Oxidation on Bismuth-Molybdate Structured Catalysts: Experiments and Modeling
Kai Wu, Mohammad Moniruzzaman, Lars Grabow, Michael Harold, University of Houston
TU2.R4: Novel Reactors and Process Intensification V
Novel Reactors and Process Intensification
Post Oak
Presentation Time:
Tue, 18 Feb, 14:30 - 14:50 CT (UTC -6)
Session Co-Chairs:
Saurabh Bhandari, Dow and Jiakang Chen, BASF
No resources available.
Session TU2.R4
TU2.R4.1: Forced Dynamic Operation of Propylene Selective Oxidation on Bismuth-Molybdate Structured Catalysts: Experiments and Modeling
Kai Wu, Mohammad Moniruzzaman, Lars Grabow, Michael Harold, University of Houston
TU2.R4.2: Can methanol synthesis be enhanced at low pressure with continuous operation?
Chiara Berretta, Paul Scherrer Institut, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne; Emanuele Moioli, Paul Scherrer Institut; Oliver Kröcher, Paul Scherrer Institut, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne; Tilman Schildhauer, Paul Scherrer Institut
TU2.R4.3: Experimental and modeling of reactive distillation applied for an immobilized enzymatic reaction coated on structured internals
Nicolas Chaussard, Université Lyon 1; Clémence Nikitine, CPE Lyon; David Rouzineau, Michel Meyer, ENSIACET; Pascal Fongarland, Université Lyon 1