WE2.R4: General Reaction Engineering IV
Wed, 19 Feb, 10:45 - 11:45 CT (UTC -6)
Location: Post Oak
Session Type: Oral
Track: General Reaction Engineering
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Wed, 19 Feb, 10:45 - 11:05 CT (UTC -6)

WE2.R4.1: Optimization of temperature profiles in CO2 methanation reactors by an appropriate selection of catalyst and dilution agent

Matteo Percivale, Università di Genova; Andrea Pappagallo, Paul Scherrer Institute; Gabriella Garbarino, Università di Genova; EMANUELE MOIOLI, Politecnico di Milano
Wed, 19 Feb, 11:05 - 11:25 CT (UTC -6)

WE2.R4.2: Kinetic Modeling and Optimization of a Pharmaceutical Process with Uncertain Inputs

Iman Moshiritabrizi, Queen's University; Jonathan P. McMullen, Brian M. Wyvratt, Merck & Co., Inc.; Kimberley B. McAuley, Queen's University