NASCRE 2025 Abstract Submission

Submission Title

Title should be in ALL CAPS and should EXACTLY match the manuscript submitted. Avoid using LaTeX codes in the title; all elements in the title should be representable in a Unicode font.

Make sure the full title is entered; beware of line breaks when pasting from a PDF file.

Paper Topic

Choose up to 3 session topics for your paper. If you have specific community contributed session identified then please select that specific session in Primary Session Topic.

Explore the list of Community-Contributed Sessions here.

Primary Session Topic:
Secondary Session Topic (optional):
Tertiary Session Topic (optional):

Important Information

Authors should be aware:

  1. All accepted papers must be accompanied by at least one registration.
  2. Any paper accepted into the technical program, but not presented by an author will be withdrawn from the official proceedings.
  3. I affirm I have read through the complete paper kit and agree to the conditions described therein.